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  • In an Emergency

vets now number

Oak Barn Vets is open from 8am to 7pm weekdays and 8am to 12 noon on Saturdays for all routine treatments and emergencies. Being a sole-charge practice we feel that to provide an out-of-hours service too would be at the detriment to the daytime service. Much as we would like to provide overnight cover its not physically possible.

The solution has been to subscribe to an emergency service run by Vets Now who provide an equivalent A&E service for your pets in the Guildford area.  Vets Now only use well-trained Vets all of whom have had specialist training in Emergency and Critical Care treatment. They are based in central Guildford 10 minutes drive from Oak Barn Vets and have their own staff specifically for night-time and out-of-hours work.

Address: Unit B, Alder Veterinary Practice, GU2 9LX

We appreciate that when you are worried about your pet it can be daunting to see a new face. However by using Vets Now you have the peace of mind that there is always a Vet available to you and your pet day and night with nursing back-up and well-equipped hospital facilities.  Their ‘day’ effectively starts at 7pm and runs throughout the night so they can rest during the day.  Essentially this means a wide awake fully functioning team to care for your pets whatever the problem.

In the worst case scenario, where a patient is unstable and may need constant monitoring, out-of-hours Vets Now provide the best care possible.  We feel that it is a priority that any hospitalised animals receive around the clock care from staff on-site and with Vets Now Staff at the hospital continuously giving your pet the attention they need and deserve.  

Vets Now are also available throughout the night for telephone advice.  A simple phone call can often give you peace of mind.  Their staff do not receive commission or any incentive to see you and your pet out-of-hours so you are safe in the knowledge that if your pet needs treatment it will be for all the right reasons.  

Details of any advice or treatments provided by Vets Now will be forwarded on to us the next working day so we are kept updated with your pet’s care.

An added bonus is that Oak Barn also has access to Vets Now facilities during the day with access to a Pet Blood Bank and essential medications such as Adder Anti-Venom that often is a struggle to find in the Veterinary world.

If you are worried about your pet out-of-hours phoning the daytime surgery number will direct you to Vets Now or simply phone 01483 346203.