Halloween can be a fun-filled time of the year for all the family; however, the many unfamiliar sights and sounds can make it a stressful occasion for our pets. Therefore, we have focussed on a few points to be aware of as we approach the day itself:
- Hide the treats
One thing about Halloween that never changes is that there are always sweet treats available, but it is important that they are kept away from your pet. Ingredients found in chocolate and sweets are toxic and can be very dangerous if ingested by your pet, therefore, it’s best to keep them out of reach! If you believe your pet has eaten something that is potentially toxic, then please contact us immediately for advice.
- Keep them calm
With the potential for fireworks outside, it is common for your pet to become anxious. There are various ways to help ease the stress of the loud bangs and bright flashes for your pets when at home, from pheromone adapters to creating comfy hiding places.
At a time such as this, it is also important to ensure that your pet is wearing some identification or has been microchipped, which will improve the chances of you being reunited if they do happen to escape.
- Less is more with costumes
One of the most enjoyable aspects of Halloween for us is the opportunity to don a fancy-dress costume, however the same enthusiasm is not always shared by our pets! Dressing your companion up in a costume can make for a great image for social media, but in most cases, it also causes undue stress for them too. Costumes can restrict their movement or breathing and can also contain parts that could be a choking hazard, therefore we recommend refraining from using costumes.
- Be mindful of decorations
You’ve got the treats, and your favourite costume; now all that’s missing are the decorations! We all like to mark the occasion with a range of Halloween props, but with pets around, it is important to be mindful of what, and where, they are. Lanterns, candles and lit pumpkins certainly create the desired effect, but your pet can easily knock them over, causing a fire or burning themselves in the process.
- Tweak the routine
We all like routine and familiarity, especially our pets, but knowing the stress that this time of year can bring it might be wise to do things slightly different. Try walking your dog before it gets dark or feeding your pet ahead of the time that fireworks would usually start – allowing for your pet to be back inside and fed before any anxiety might set in.
If you have any concerns or would like any advice with regards to helping your pet during the forthcoming festivities, then please don’t hesitate to contact us.