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  • Christmas Wishes!

We've been blown away with all of the Christmas wishes we have received over the holiday period.Thank you to all of you that have been so generous with Christmas goodies to keep us going!  So many of you gave such lovely cards (often home made) that we thought it would be nice to share some of them with you in the gallery below!

Thankfully this year we haven't seen too many emergencies with the odd chocolate poisoning (snaffled from under the tree) and one poor dog who consumed an entire Stilton cheese and had the worst stomach ache afterwards!

Our builders are working hard right over the Christmas period so thank you for your patience whilst the practice doesn't look its most beautiful!   More news to come but they are right on schedule at the moment.

Going into the New Year we are open as usual except for New Year's Day when the hard working staff at Vets Now will be covering in the unlikely event of any emergencies.

Wishing you all a happy and healthy 2013!