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  • So nearly there!

Thanks to your amazing generosity and our hair-brained antics we have nearly reached our target for our fundraising for Cranleigh RDA!

Earlier this summer we braved a gruelling 5km run around Windsor Racecourse. Not so difficult you’d think but did we mention the water, paint and obstacles that we had to get round too?

Cranleigh Riding for the Disabled Association are a fantastic charity. This year we are supporting the Cranleigh RDA in their Riding High Campaign. The future of their whole operation is in jeopardy because the main barn that houses the stables and social area is nearing the end of its useful life. It is a matter of urgency that we act.

There is no other equal facility within easy reach of the vast majority of their clients. We are committed to ensuring that these riders do not lose this opportunity, to take part in a mainstream sport with all the benefits it brings: – significant physical changes, greater confidence, more enjoyment, greater willingness and ability to communicate.

We have raised 90% of our target and fingers crossed by the end of the summer will have helped this fantastic cause. If you would like to help please follow this link and a massive THANK YOU!